Obsessive by Nature…..

Okay- so here goes my very first attempt at solo blogging, no one is sitting by my side, but it helps that I just got off the phone with Clairey…..after about a gazillion attempts at posting on my own, I gave in and called her up. Then of course, when I tried it the one gazillion and oneth time, it worked and I had to say, “Honest Clairey, it did not work the first gazillion times I tried it…..” Sounds so lame…..but listen, it has been a very technologically savvy week for me….I have uploaded a boatload of cards to my SCS gallery, and today with no help from ANYONE….I uploaded about 15 cards to my Yahoo group- PLUS, I actually took pictures of my cards this week that don’t look like someone yelled BOO really loud behind me right before I took them……I am also camera challenged and Keith gave me a good lesson in which buttons to push where to take better pictures…..honestly can I tell you that I was taking like 28 pictures of the same card and maybe ONE wasn’t all blurry and wrecked…..but NOW, I only have to take about 4….so how is THAT for progress?????Okay- so I love this new Double Line Doodle set – and just above this text is my most favorite card I made with it, and here below….is my most LEAST favorite……doesn’t the card right below this text look like it could have been used on the set of

Honey I Shrunk the Kids or something? Like to scare the kids???? AT least it scares me…..but when you stamp – once in a while you have to try some weird stuff like this card…..if I send you this card you should ask yourself how much I really like you……????Anyway I just thought I would share the good and the bad…..good and bad is everywhere, we all have good things and bad things about us…..and when you love someone you take the good with the bad, right? So enjoy this card to your left and do not have nightmares tonite…..Okay- but this set, is the best set I just LOVE it, right up there with Heart Speaks…..and I was just going to say that I get pretty darn OBSESSIVE when I like a stamp set…I just can’t seem to STOP making cards with it…even after I made that scarey one, I just kept on stamping……I would say to Clairey…..hey- don’t let me make anymore cards with this set…okay? After this last card it’s time to move on, but 1/2 hour later she would look over and I was already absorbed in the next one – cuz sets like this just spark my imagination and the ideas keep coming…..But the problem is we only have one basket and if you have 42 cards made with
the same set it gets kinda boring for everyone,,,,especially if by chance they don’t like that set, or they don’t like to color, you get the picture. But back to how good I feel about myself this week….honestly- this is me, and I am BLOGGING – all by myself…..no one standing behind me telling me what to do……I am sorta proud. Have you seen the movie “What About Bob?” where he is out in the middle of a lake sailing only he has so many neurosis and he is so paranoid and basically nuts and afraid of life but he has himself tied to the boat with like 7 life jackets on and he is yelling “This is me, and I’m sailing, I sail, I sail, way out in the water – away from the dock, I sail, I sail” WELL……I feel sorta like “Hey guys this is me, I’m blogging, all by myself, without Clairey, I blog, I blog….and for that matter, I download too!! And I actually found where I download to and I transfer my downloads to websites…….man Bill Gates is gonna be looking for me pretty soon for a high tech computer job……….I catch on so quickly!! Okay, so have I stamped anymore this week? I made one card -that’s all…because I have been wasting untold hours on the Splitcoast Stampers website, uploading cards and looking at everyone else’s cards……I am obsessive about this too!! Well since I basically about ran out of the new stuff I have stamped to upload, then that means this week it is time to STAMP……I have so many new ideas floating around in my head……I just hope I get off work early enough a night or two this week to stamp!!Here are two more cards I made with

this set, it kind of goes with pastels, really cute. Does anyone else love this set as much as I do? Why did that have to get rid of that other little Doodle set that was in the last mini before the big catty? And how about the Doodle Alphabet? I didn’t even open the box yet and it was GONE……argh…. but that one little set that had the cutest little doodles, and it was like a $12.95 set -so weeny -they could have found a corner somewhere for it in the new catalog…….it’s so sad when you buy one you love, don’t even USE it yet, and then it’s gone…….okay- I need to cheer up here……gee – how many more cards do I need to blab on for here?? I think there are still three more cards underneath this one,,,,I am running out of things to say….so maybe I will try to just arrange them at the bottom of this blog so you can look at them, or maybe if I type bigger I can fill up the space faster…yeh, that works for me….This next card is the one I made after this one – because I loved this one and was kind of stuck on the blue, pink thing…..with the apricot thrown in there……

they are cute, right?? And then I wanted to try one using that scallop punch that wasn’t bizarre like the first one, so I made this one below here………..man guys I am truly running out of stuff to say here,,,are we almost at the end…cuz this is the LARGEST font and I still ran out of blab…….Okay- Just a little more to go

here, don’t you just LOVE the white gel pen? If someone took my white gel pen away, I would have to stop stamping I think…….maybe not. But I would be broken hearted. Are we there yet?? Next time I’m not gonna be so darn obsessive and stamp 42 cards using the same set and then have to blab my way through them…..gee whiz…..will we ever get to the end of these cards????? Are you feeling as frustrated as I am??? I hope not……as these are meant to inspire you….next time I am not going to DL more then 3 cards and then I won’t have to blab on and on and on and on…..are we there yet, oh shucks, this happens everytime at the end, the text just keeps pushing that last card down further and further….wait a minute…..let me try to bring it up here…….

PHEW!! THERE IT IS, THE VERY LAST DOODLE CARD…..and I have had it – it really is time to move on to a new set!! Next time, note to self, start with the big font, and make less cards……but I am feeling VERY VERY smart, as I have reached the end of a blog, and I did it, all by myself!! It ain’t so hard………………………………..

What do you think?

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  • Claire Lawrence
    September 17, 2007

    LOL!!!!! Great job!! Great cards! Now go forth and stamp so you have more to blog about…:0) Love, Clairey

    p.s. glad I could “help” today. :0)

  • Cindy Lawrence
    September 17, 2007

    HAHAHA…you are too funny Karen! CONGRATS on starting your blog!!! I am VERY impressed…can’t wait to see more of your gorgeous creations! Love ya! ~Cindy

  • Kelly
    September 17, 2007

    Karen, I have so missed you at Fall Fest and Spring Fling. I always loved when you talked because you always had us laughing. Now i can read your blog and laugh…And of course, admire your beautiful work! ~Kelly Mahoney

  • Kristin
    September 17, 2007

    I loved your cards. The last one was definitely my favorite. Keep up the good work! I can’t wait to see what you come up with next.

  • Allison
    September 20, 2007

    Hey Karen! I love to read blogs – mostly people I don’t know- so it’s sooooooo wonderful to read yours, someone I DO actually know and think about our monthly downline meetings, where I would take notes, and you kind of rambled on and on and on…and I had to keep writing on and on and on…Boy do I miss those meetings! Because not only do I miss you, but I miss Fran and Rhea and Judy and Marge and oh well, everyone too. Did you ever read the book “Marley and Me”? If not, you should, you would definitely get a kick out of it, and it would help you to get over those cards Moseley ate! Anyway, glad you’re back. Take care, Allison Sosinsky

  • dreamchaser
    October 16, 2007

    Hi Karen! Miss you! I heard you started a blog–knowing how much you used to hate the computer, I just had to check it out! We’re all proud of you for taking the leap into blogging-it’s so YOU! Reading your posts, is almost as good as you being here in person chatting…(I agree with you regarding Cindy’s blog-the music is awesome!) Just love your humor, stories and of course, your beautiful stamped creations.. there’s no stoppin’ you now! :)Deb