SO……..Michelle texted me a couple of days AFTER I was given the boot at work to let me know that she made Founder’s Circle again for this SU year……YAY!!!!!!  So happy for her – she works hard and stamps hard and she totally deserves it!!!  One of these years I hope we make Founder’s together, not sure if that is in God’s plans for me or not, but it’s what I’m shooting for – Lord knows I did it for like 10 years in a row when I first started, moved to Ohio – took on full time work and left my customer base in NY, and have been toppling ever since! So it’s my perfect chance to reverse that while I’m out of work!! Anyway, when Michelle found out what had happened to me, shortly thereafter she was at my door to take me out to lunch and cheer me up.  Her arms were laden with gifts, fresh eggs from her chickens, zucchini and cucumbers from her garden, canned pickles, relish and jam complete with adorable labels from SU, homemade zucchini bread, *yum*!!  She cheered me up and cheered me on, isn’t that what friends are for?  Awwwww……gotta love Michelle.  Gotta think of all the things I  have to be thankful for, like good friends, loving family, adorable grand children, supportive husband and children and their spouses,  my mom who also cheers me on and took me out to lunch… and you know how MOMS are, you can tell it hurts her more then it hurts me!! 🙂  So I am concentrating for all I am worth on ALL I have to be thankful for…….now, for a bit of chatter on this really cool CARD.  I knew what I wanted to do, I wanted to take the postcard stamp and I wanted to stamp the seagulls from the new set Wetlands on it, and I WANTED to have the beach, and I WANTED to have the sky, and the water, and and, but alas, this is NOT my strong point, so I asked Michelle to show me how to make this happen. There was no brayer involved, believe it or not – just sponges and post it notes and paper and ink. So I wrote it down step by step, and pretty sure I could go up to my stamp room and make this card all over again, she just sat by me and made one, and I copied.  So it’s kind of a karenbarber/zindorf original……bwahahaha, I can claim the idea but Michelle gets credit for the execution of the idea.  Her and I are so good for each other,,,,,each pretty decent stampers but our style is so different that we compliment each other……now is there anyone out there who would attend a stamp day in Dayton, Ohio if it was an all day affair and we did it together, Michelle and I?  We would LOVE to do this, but we aren’t sure there would be people who would/could attend.  It would be a Saturday, and an all day affair, Who’s in????  If you’re lucky, Michelle might even make you something amazing with her zucchinis, and me? Well, do you like Starbursts???  haha…….That’s all for this time……Until next time, Karen

What do you think?

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  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2013

    A beautiful card created by friends..now you are inspiring others with your gift. Thank you

  • Carol Dee
    July 29, 2013

    OMG a Day with THE Amazing Michelle Zindorf. She sounds like fabulous friend, too. I love her style AND your style. A day working with BOTH of you would be a dream. But alas I could not attend. 🙁 Good Luck

  • Michelle VanWiggeren
    July 29, 2013

    What an awesome card! So much fun that it was made as part of a collaboration!!! Wish I lived closer, I'd love to join the fun! TFS!!!

  • Marge Waskiewicz
    July 29, 2013

    Love, love, love, this card. need to know the details and colors. Where can I get them? This card is so serene. Thanks to you both.

  • elaine
    July 29, 2013

    i just want you to know i read your blog daily and just love your cards. i am sorry to hear about your job loss, but want you to know there maybe a reason that you are not aware of just yet. so chin up and good therapy is in making cards. especially yours. they are awesome. have a good weekend.

  • ScappinOma
    July 29, 2013

    I follow your blog and see your work on SCS. You are uber-talented! I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your job. I know it's a cliche', but it's true–when God closes a door, He opens a window. Wish I lived closer, I would LOVE to join you and Michele for an all-day event! Keep the faith!

  • Anonymous
    July 29, 2013

    You two are a great team – beautiful card!!!

  • KatheD
    July 29, 2013

    I love this card, Karen, and I would make the 3 1/2 hour drive to Dayton if it was a Saturday that I didn't already have plans! {wishing you good luck for your job situation}

  • Jackie
    July 29, 2013

    I live in Dayton and might be interested

  • Vicki Burdick
    July 29, 2013

    I would come Karen, it may be a long drive from Missouri but I would do it, just to come to a class with you and Michelle!!!!

  • Jan Castle
    July 29, 2013

    Have yet to be able to leave a comment…could not even on your Stampin' Up sign-up form…get 'System currently unavailable, please try again later!' message. Your g-mail account does not work for me either….trying this one last time!

  • Gail Emmons
    July 29, 2013

    Hey Karen! I would LOVE to come – when do you want to have an all day class? Throw out some dates! I would love to make this card and see you again! What a great card!

  • ArtisticInkspirations
    July 29, 2013

    You did a beautiful job Karen..and how lucky to have Michele there close by to encourage and mentor you!! Good luck an building your business back up!!

  • Vicki Dutcher
    July 29, 2013

    How awesome is this! Having Michelle pop on over to support you!! Fabulous friend you have there Missy!!

  • Cathy Parlitsis
    July 29, 2013

    The card is stunning! What a good friend! I only wish the event was here so I could attend! I don't think I know two more talented women than the two of you! TFS!

  • Francie G.
    July 29, 2013

    Oh my, Karen this is beautiful. I think I need this set! If you decide on a date for your stamp camp let me know! Will send an order soon!

  • Brenda Cordell
    July 30, 2013

    My friend and I would love to come to Dayton to a class. I am a demonstrator and can use all the help I can get. I would love to meet you and Michelle. You are both so talented and I visit your blogs daily. I would even be willing to help if needed. My email is: bcordell75@yahoo.com

  • Marge Thuen
    August 9, 2013

    Oh Karen, I don't think you and Michelle will have any trouble finding people to attend an all day stamp camp to be inspired by both of your wonderful talents! Just today one of my friends mentioned that you were looking for "stamp campers" and that she wanted to attend. Maybe we could drive out together, although it is a long drive through PA from Jersey! I was fortunate to be able to attend one of Michelle's classes at Tina's last spring. It was so much fun, and she's an excellent teacher (like you). I love your collaboration on this beautiful card!

  • wandamac2
    August 9, 2013

    I would love to come to a class with you and Michelle! WOW!
    I know at least 2 others I could bring with me…sounds fun.

  • Marge Thuen
    August 9, 2013

    Oh Karen, I don't think you and Michelle will have any trouble finding people to attend an all day stamp camp to be inspired by both of your wonderful talents! Just today one of my friends mentioned that you were looking for "stamp campers" and that she wanted to attend. Maybe we could drive out together, although it is a long drive through PA from Jersey! I was fortunate to be able to attend one of Michelle's classes at Tina's last spring. It was so much fun, and she's an excellent teacher (like you). I love your collaboration on this beautiful card!

  • wandamac2
    August 9, 2013

    I would love to come to a class with you and Michelle! I know at least 2 more I could bring with me.

  • Anonymous
    October 4, 2013

    Hi karen……so about marker layering….how do you not shred the watercolor paper? Everytime the paper starts pilling……