The SUO Challenge this week is to make a pocket card.  Okay, so my lips froze and I broke out in hives just thinking about it.  I’m not that girl.  I don’t do score lines and cut lines and thing a ma jigs, or whatever you call that tool that helps you put things where they are supposed to go.  If I do do them, it’s usually with someone standing over my shoulder telling me what to do next.  In a weak moment, I decided to stray from the one pocket card I have done successfully over the years and try something new.  So I stumbled upon a tutorial by Patty Bennett, who is expert at these sort of things.  I watched it so many times I could almost recite it….and all I can say is my cards come out “lumpy”.  I tried several times to make one with that new snowman set that just came out this year, the one with the penguin, that you dress up, etc.  I sure miss Norman and Nelson, the last snowman set they discontinued.  The snowmen in this latest one just lack personality.  So I gave up after about three attempts.  I decided to fall back on the one thing I can’t go wrong with, a flower.  So here you have it, my final attempt at a pocket card, and here’s to hoping I don’t have to make another one for a very long time.  Even under Patty’s excellent tutalidge, I don’t want to tell you how many pieces of paper I threw away.  I did it though!  And it’s not too shabby. 🙂 The color challenge over on SCS this week was ALSO a huge challenge to me – colors that I had to REALLLLLY think about.  Here is that card:
Both gave me fits in their own way.  The week before, when I chose my own colors because it was my turn to be hostess, it was no sweat.  I even made TWO cards I was having so much fun and both were completed on my first attempt.  But alas, the other ladies will not have red and pink and green and soft blue every week.  Upward and onward, they don’t call these “challenges” for nothin’ my friends…..it’s always when I break out in hives and my lips freeze that I also come away with that victorious feeling of “I did it!!”  And when I even LIKE the final results, well that’s even better. 🙂 Did I mention that after total destroying my stamp studio to the point of oblivion, that my camera then went on strike and I had to take about a trillion pictures to get a good one of each? Some weeks are like that, yea they are.  I worked HARD this week.  So leave me some love.  🙂 (comments welcome) Let me know my labor was not in vain?  Happy Tuesday everyone!  And early Merry Christmas! 🙂 Until next time, Karen

What do you think?

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  • Marge Waskiewicz
    October 14, 2015

    Karen I don't have the words to say how much I love these cards. Wish I knew the easiest way to prepare the Poinsettia for a class so I don't waste card stock. If you have a solution please let me know. Your cards are the best !!!
    Hugs Marge

  • JRGH
    October 14, 2015

    You did a great job getting out of your comfort zone. We all have to do that sometimes.

  • Jeanne H
    October 14, 2015

    Love both cards, but the flower the best!

  • Sabrina
    October 14, 2015

    This lover of all interactive cards (almost!) thinks your pocket card looks great! I love the contrasting DP, music and greenery. And if that's the diagonal double pocket, I always struggle with that one too.
    I LOVE your CC card, those colours and the crisp white just sing to me.

  • Unknown
    October 27, 2015

    These cards are very nice ,you would never know it was out of your comfort zone !

  • Julie
    October 27, 2015

    Karen, I loooove your cards! They rock! PS May we have a conversation again sometime?

  • Patt H.
    October 27, 2015

    I love the pretty DSP with that gorgeous flower. I, too, have hives when I think of interactive cards. Yours turned out beautifully! Of course, your flowers are always gorgeous! You have made me brave enough to go try a pocket card!!Thanks for the inspiration.