Somebody help me STOP………

Okay, so I am totally out of control now….I have company coming next weekend, I have so much stuff I COULD be doing, but I am like absolutely obsessed with this new technique….it’s not new, I actually learned it from Cindy L, but it’s new the first time you play with it yourself…..and I think I do more with the white gel pen then the actual Black Magic… and Cindy, don’t take away our white gel pens, right Cindy?? Everytime I make a new card it’s my new favorite – but these three made with this set, they are my new favorites…..I wish we had MORE colors to the pure color pencils… can use Prismacolor pencils which I also have, but I always feel like I’m cheating on SU… dumb is that?? Okay, so I thought I would have a problem keeping the whole blog thing going and now I am like obsessive about it, blog blog blog blog…….I can’t seem to stop myself, upstairs to stamp, downstairs to download, and then blog blog blog…..this is what my LIFE has turned into!! :):):) A really nice person named Allison featured me as her blog of the month or something and now all these really awesome people are checking out my blog……so it makes it even more fun to stamp when you get FEEDBACK…..I love feedback. :):):) If you go to my comments you can check out Allison’s blog -it’s like the mother of all blogs….she has more links then anyone I know!! But this is it for a while guys, I am going to walk the dog and get my mind off stamping and blogging and stamping and blogging and stamping and blogging……, -do the twelve step thing or something, like, I AM a stampaholic!! I have too much other stuff I SHOULD be doing……aw shucks, it could be worse, I could be out drinking or robbing a bank, I’m just stampin…….I need to lay off myself…..I work hard all week….if I would rather stamp then clean the toilet…who can blame me, right? Today I had HGTV installed in my stamp room…..oh boy, I will probably only come out for food now……and to run down the hall to use the bathroom which needs to be cleaned……Any HGTV fans out there? I have watched more room makeovers since we moved to Ohio then times I have cleaned the bathroom, I can tell you that much!! Oh man, that is addictive too……how come so much in life is addictive? Even good stuff,,,,,where’s the moderation in my life….??? Do you like these cards???? It’s so neat to read comments, I am a comment junkie,,,,,so nice of Leslie who is in my DL to take the time to share the truckin stuff with me……I think Keith is getting home late tonite and has to be back on Monday morning……argh…..but at least he’s getting home late tonite!! I was supposed to get orders placed today…..clean the house…..go to the mall…..etc etc etc…..what did do??? I blogged and stamped and stamped and blogged and now I’m blogging again. I keep getting more ideas, another one just popped into my head but I’m gonna ignore it and see if it goes away cuz I have to walk the dog, (he has his legs crossed, it’s TIME!!) Okay – one more card coming up there, if I manage to find this one at the bottom this will be the second time I posted without wiping out any cards….
Practice makes perfect and I certainly get enough of that lately!! This is a very cool stamp set…..but I am not going to play anymore today….but I want to try one with basic grey…but hey- tomorrow is another day…..I am not making anymore cards tonite…..I can hardly believe I had been so lazy about stamping when I first moved here, it just proves I am a “feedback junkie” cuz really, ever since Clairey set me up at SCS and with my own blog and Tinabeana gave me the you can’t give up stamping lecture, magically my love of stamping came back,,,,so maybe I really just crave feedback……you know, Bob, from What About Bob? – he’s got nothin on me…..I’m a little neurotic myself – that’s it – off to walk the dog, hope you liked these cards….stay tuned…..Basic Grey is next!! (But I’m gonna clean the bathroom FIRST!!)

What do you think?

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  • Penny
    November 11, 2007

    Hi Karen, great examples!

    Have I got this right? Stamp solid image with white ink onto dark card. Dry. Colour with pencils. Highlight with white pen? Sorry, I am a bit confused LOL! I have Brilliance white ink and Prismacolour pencils.

  • Tina
    November 11, 2007

    Wonderful precious card!

  • Leslie
    November 11, 2007

    Hey There Karen,
    I LOVE your cards! I guess I have to teach Black magic at my workshops pretty soon!
    Glad Keith will be home even for a short time to give you lots of in person hugs! Here’s some more online ones to have for the lonely times! (Hug,Hug,Hug,Hug)
    Just thought you should know that I started my own blog because of you. It is so much fun!
    More Hugs!

  • Suz
    November 11, 2007

    Hi Karen!

    I just wanted to let you know that I think your cards, all of them, are absolutely gorgeous! I really like your card slide show too! Your black magic cards have inspired me and I’m going to try them this weekend.

    Thanks for sharing all of your great talent with us.

    Hugs from FL,

  • patty
    November 11, 2007

    Well I’ve typed this three times and keep losing it!!!!
    I’ll try once more and either this won’t go or i’ll have three posted!!!
    Love the black magic cards. can’t wait to try it!!
    I’m VERY impressed with your blog site!! Slide show, music–who could ask for anything more!!! Good job!
    Keep up the good work gal

  • MarieK
    November 11, 2007

    Hi Karen!
    I’m coming to you via the Allison “portal”.
    I’ve only seen a few postings but I really like what I see. I’m loving the BLACK MAGIC – who would’ve thunk it!!!
    What a great technique – can’t wait to try it!!

  • Mary
    November 11, 2007

    Hi Karen!

    I just discovered your blog today while surfing for some fresh ideas! I always knew you were an amazing stamper – and now a writer, too!!!

    How is Ohio? I hope you are doing well. I miss you!

    Mary Hortin

  • Alhambra Club
    November 12, 2007

    Great cards, Beautiful, your paper is fantstic, I will have to try this your cards came out beautiful

  • Sonya
    November 12, 2007

    awesome cards….i love seeing something new out here in card land…lol


  • Nadine
    November 13, 2007

    Hi Karen! Don’t know if you remember me, but I’m one of Tinabeana’s million downline. haha.. I think the last time I saw you was probably about 3 Fall Fests ago. I came across your blog, and I see your work is even more amazing! You need to visit Splitcoaststampers because people are curious about your beautiful Black Magic cards. Anyway, hope you are well! Nadine (formerly from NJ, now in FL)

  • Nadine
    November 13, 2007

    Ok, duh. Just found you on SCS. I’m a dork! hahaha… 🙂

  • Penny
    November 14, 2007

    Karen, you inspired me to have a go and I have done a post on my blog – only with a twist!

    And I’ve tagged you 🙂

  • Unknown
    November 14, 2007

    This is my second try at posting a comment. Love your site, and love the black magic cards. Can’t wait to try this new technique.

    You have an aswesome blog.


  • stormarela
    November 14, 2007

    I love this black magic technique, and now have to try it myself! Thanks so much for the inspiration. If mine turns out have as nice as yours, I will be posting them on my blog, Wish me luck!

    Did you try it on Basic Gray cardstock? I’m interested in how that turned out too.


  • Susan M
    November 14, 2007

    Hi Karen,
    Just wanted to say that your blogging was wonderful to read and your cards as usual are just gorgeous.I am so glad that I happened upon your blogging page.It was uplifting besides giving great ideas. God has given you a wonderful talent being creative in crafts and in your writing.May he continue to bless you and your family.

    Susan Miller

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2007

    Hi Karen,
    Your cards are amazing and I love your blog! I can so relate to moving and I have done so 3 times in the last 5 1/2 years! Actually I heard you speak at Fall Fest in NJ. You were awesome! Blessings to you!

  • Erika Martin - Stampin' Mama
    November 15, 2007

    OH WOW! Karen, these are GORGEOUS!!! Thank you for sharing them with us!

    It’s nice to see you in blog land! I miss you!

  • Anonymous
    November 15, 2007

    wow these are beautiful 🙂

  • kathypa
    July 20, 2008

    I love the gorgeous cards done with the black technique. I don’t see anywhere on your blog how to do it. Can you tell how to do the technique on your blog. I’m new at this.

  • Francine
    April 10, 2010

    Black magic! Wow! I just discover your blog. Where I can find a tutorial for learn this? Please help me!