The SUO challenge this week is to use your punches!! When I saw what Bronwyn Eastley did with HER punches, I was slightly intimidated about even uploading my card! She made the most awesome pirate with punches!! I’m not a huge punch girl, but I do love making little rosebuds with the tiniest flower punch….and I had fun making this baby girl card….for a very dear friend of mine who is having her first baby. My friend Sarah is so cute….so innocent about motherhood and asking so many cute questions, like, “IS it okay if I don’t want to use cloth diapers??” and things like that. Also, since I have never been a natural with babies, will I be a natural with mine? I think that is the universal question for new mothers…..I remember wondering before I had my first if I would love her as much as I loved our Siberian husky…..but not to worry, when Jennifer was born, the dog quickly became a dog. We still loved Misty, but the feelings that flood the soul of a new mom are not really comparable to anything on earth…..right? Two weeks before I had my first child, I remember awkwardly holding one of my closest friend’s new baby who was three weeks old and screaming, and thinking, “oh man, i hope i have deeper feelings for mine then what I feel right now because I do not know what to do with this screaming child” – my arms hurt from holding him so stiffly and I just thought, “I am doomed and my child is too” – but not to worry, I took one look at MY BABY, and every fear and doubt melted into pure, ferocious love…..and with each child that love just multiplies. So Sarah, no one can really prepare you for what you will feel….and how your love and your life and your marriage and your world will be changed for the better in the twinkle of an eye……just you wait and see……Until next time, Karen
Christine Blain
February 14, 2014Karen, this is an exquisite card for your sweet friend!!
February 14, 2014I looked at all the cards posted by the members and I've just got to tell you that I like yours the best, simple but lovely and any new mother would be thrilled to get this card!!! which little punch did you use on the flowers?
February 14, 2014wow..This is stunning. Love the colors and those beautiful flowers.
February 14, 2014Love the rosebuds. It's just darling!
February 14, 2014Love the rosebuds. It's just darling!
February 14, 2014Karen, you are SO right about loving our babies when they arrive. God's tiny gift from heaven! So precious. I love your baby card, and must get that tiny flower punch I've been seeing so often on other cards. For not being a "punch girl" you did a bang-up job of making an all-punched card. Lovely!
February 14, 2014Karen, thanks for sharing your sweet card and your motherhood story. I just added this to my Pinterest folder so I can CASE this sometime soon.
Carol Dee
February 21, 2014A precious card for a precious baby girl. I love your advice for your friend. Nothing compares with (or prepares you for) a child of your own. Happy Valentine's Day