FOR GRANDCHILD #12, coming in OCTOBER!!  The SUO challenge this week was PRIMARY COLORS, and I went with a monochromatic theme since I don’t think PRIMARY COLORS are SU’s long hand.  I don’t really think we have a primary blue, or yellow, or orange, but we do have an awesome primary RED. 🙂 I’m very excited to welcome Grand child #12, but only GRANDSON number THREE.  We are pretty used to GIRLS in this family.  😉 Speaking of grandchildren, we got to see almost everyone of ours during the month of August!! (missed you Mady and Chloe) but we got to see Ethan, and Kara, and Olivia, and Layla and Brooklyn, and Tovah and Lami, and Luca and Eva!!  We went on a camping trip with most of them, and we just had a wonderful month of kids and grandkids.  So lots of tears when it was all over.  The house gets all meticulous again, but it also gets empty and lonely.  The stray hair ties, and headbands and toys and socks, etc. each offer a stab through the old heart.  And I always go back to my favorite saying, “Don’t cry cuz it’s over, SMILE cua it happened…..but truthfully, it ain’t easy.  Until next time, Karen

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  • Marlene Salvato
    September 13, 2016

    I can't believe this is #12 for you – you are so very blessed…I have 4 and holding – that's it for me…but they are my life…oldest one just started college – unbelievable…guess I have to wait for great-grandchildren for little ones again!! miss you…xoxo Marlene

  • Patt H.
    September 13, 2016

    Such a cute card, Karen!! Love it & the perfect saying you shared with us!

  • Judys
    September 13, 2016

    Awe! What a sweet message amd such a sweet card to boot!