WE are talkin’ LAME here…..

Okay, so something HAS to give pretty soon.  I was supposed to post this post last Tuesday, and it’s gonna be Thursday tomorrow and I just remembered.  It’s for the SUO challenge blog where we got to pick from the first 99 posts we did, and I chose a retired stamp set – my favorite, Elements of Style.  I actually “chose” a card I had sitting around from many moons ago because I just plain have not had time to stamp! Why you ask????  My life has just been outta control crazy lately.  Okay….a family wedding….(my lovely daughter Rebekah to Aaron, family here from everywhere during the wedding time – the highlight of which was a visit from the TWINS, who kept us hopping and laughing….busy days at work as my co-worker’s daughter got married the week after mine, so we both took time off……visiting from NY, my two precious grand daughters for an entire week, Layla and Brooklyn, and my other daughter and her husband who live overseas are getting ready to return at the end of this week after 8 glorious months at home.  In the midst of all of this, Ethan, Aaron’s son got attacked by a copper head snake, never a dull moment I tell you – just 2 days ago – he is expected to make a full recovery but after months of healing.  A LOT all rolled into a short period of time…and this Sunday it all comes to a grinding halt.  Bekah and Olivia now reside 40 minutes away with their new family, which may not sound like a lot, but after having Bekah upstairs and Livvy 2 doors down for almost 3 years, it’s a lot.  Mike and Jenna will visit a couple of days and then take our beloved Layla and Brookie home….:(  Jen and Davis depart for yonder worlds on Sunday with their two precious daughters,,,,,the spectacular twins and their parents left shortly after the wedding……and it’s gonna be Keith and I and the golden retriever, Luca.  And life will get tooooo normal, and there will be plenty of time to make cards and remember to post my posts, and clean the house and have it stay that way for more then 5 minutes, and we can sit around and look at each other and cry.  It’s been a whirlwind, but such a happy one.  Once again, I will get to work at smiling because it happened and not crying because it’s over, and once again, I will do some of each.  And so goes the circle of life.  Ebb and flow, joy and pain, tears and smiles, and the beat goes on.  Until next time, Karen

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  • Carol Dee
    July 7, 2014

    Karen, the card is lovely. But the time with family is so precious. I am glad you had it. Hugs….

  • JD/ Jill
    July 15, 2014

    Wow! You sure do have a lot going on your way! But you still did manage to post a lovely card here…I'm so sorry I didn't buy this set before it retired!