So the SUO challenge this week was FUN FLOWERS…..and that is out of my comfort zone, I like to stamp SERIOUS FLOWERS…..not FUN FLOWERS… I had the dig out this set that makes my lips freeze, but in the end, I’m not gonna lie to ya, I really love my streeettttccchhh card…’s not me, but I think it’s really cool! Seems like I have had lots of stretching to do lately, and lots of livin’ outside the comfort zone. As many of you know, we put our house on the market about a year ago so that if we were reading God right, we could move into a house all on one floor and have my mother move in with us. We kind of put it out there really not knowing and since it’s been many months, we kinda thought maybe it was NOT going to happen. A couple of weeks ago I looked around our gorgeous yard with it’s huge Japanese Lilac bush and all the beautiful tulips and daffodils and iris’s and other gorgeous flowers I don’t know the names of, and I looked at our perfect lollipop tree in the front yard, and I said to Keith, if no one buys our house in the spring, then no one buys our house. Spring is when we fell in love with the house, with it’s beautiful rock garden in the front yard, back in 2006. No sooner did I say that, and then maybe two days later a young couple looked at it, fell in love, and made an offer. Can you say broken hearted??? That’s how we felt at first. There was one night where I cried all the way home from work. Keith and I would just look at each other and feel like crying. Then we went to look at two houses, and came back to the one we have had our eye on ever since the beginning of this venture. We went to see it again, and we could begin to feel some excitement welling up from somewhere. Man, this is a nice house!! We gradually came to the realization of what we knew all along, we can make this house our home!! And the night they accepted our offer, we felt JOY!! And there will still be moments of sadness saying goodbye to this house we have lived in for 9 years. But there will be JOY in the new house too, and all will be well. God is in HIS heaven and all is right with the world. OUT of my comfort zone….again….and it’s gonna be ALRIGHT. Until next time…..Karen
May 21, 2015It's certainly a fun card, Karen – lovely rich colours, too.
And congratulations on everything working out on the house front! That's great news.
Bette S
May 21, 2015With that wonderful attitude, you will do just fine with the new house! Card is ok, but like you – I prefer the "SERIOUS" flowers. Wish my Mother was still alive to come live with me. You are blessed.
Susan M
May 21, 2015Wow congrats on the new adventure that God is leading you to . Your card is just beautiful !
Marge Waskiewicz
May 21, 2015Lovely !! So where you moving to ?
My house is really too large for me now that my husband is gone. But I can't seem to part from it. Too many memories. AND I feel to old to start over. Best of everything to you…
May 29, 2015First of all, I love your card! But I love all of your cards!
Second, I can empathize about the house thing. We just sold our house of 29 1/2 years a week ago and I'm still emotional about it. We needed to move, but this was the house that I brought my babies home to and raised – they are now 26 and 22.
You have to believe that God is working in your lives for things to happen as they have. Good luck, try to enjoy the journey and God bless!